Thursday, May 10, 2018

Spring Cleaning [春の大掃除]

In Japan many people do their big cleaning at the end of the year. In the US we do it in the springtime.  It feels so wonderful outside, so it's great to open the windows and enjoy the day from indoors and out.

This spring, we've been cleaning out our house, getting rid of things we don't need, so we can enjoy the things we really care about. I can't say we are minimalists, but we are working on moving in that direction. Of course while cleaning up we found things we were looking for, things we forgot we had, and things we never even knew were here!

There's a point of advice Miu keeps repeating, "If even one thing doesn't have a place to be put away, the room will get messy." So we're trying to find a home for all of the things we really want to keep, so our rooms won't get messy (for a while anyway).

get rid of 処分する、捨てる
work on 取り組む

minimalist 断捨離主義者
direction 方向
put away 片付ける、しまう
messy 散らかした、汚い



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