Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My Christmas experiences in the USA [私のアメリカでのクリスマス経験]

In my house we decorated a tall Christmas tree with many ornaments. Every year we got a new ornament to put on the tree as a present. We also put up stockings over our fireplace. The night before Christmas we would finish wrapping our presents for each other and put them under the tree. Each of us gave everyone else a present or two. So I gave a present to my dad, a present to my mom, a present to my brother, a present to my sister. My brother gave a present to my dad, a present to my mom, a present to my sister, and a present to me, and so on. Then on Christmas morning we would find those presents and presents from Santa as well. Our stockings would be full of candy and small gifts too.
We always took it easy on Christmas day, staying home, playing with our new presents and toys, and spending time together as a family. The next day we sometimes went to play with our friends and see what new toys they got for Christmas.
In Japan there are lots of images of fried chicken or turkey dinners around Christmas, but my family didn't have a special dinner for Christmas. We had our big feast with a roast turkey for Thanksgiving, so we didn't need to repeat it. We did always make cookies though. The three kinds of cookies our family always made were speculaas cookies, Russian teacakes, and rocky road fudge bars. When I think of food at Christmas, I think of those cookies.


decorate 飾る
stocking クリスマスプレセント専用ソックス
fireplace 暖炉
wrap 包む 

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