Monday, April 16, 2018

Gardening [畑]

I planted vegetables in my garden this year! I don't have a lot of space, but I think its enough. This year I'm starting out simple, with okra and shiso. I'm going to plant tomatoes in our green house too. In the future I want to grow beans and peanuts too.

When I was a kid we grew corn, tomatoes, and string beans. I remember digging in the dirt and watering the plants in the evening. It's really nice to be growing vegetables again.

plant 植える・植物
enough 十分
green house ビニールハウス
bean 豆
string beans インゲン豆
dig 掘る
dirt 土



Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Kochi Castle [高知城]

I visited Kochi Castle the other day for an English guided tour. I learned a lot of facts about the castle from the guides. One of the cherry trees at Kochi castle is the sign for when they start blooming and when they are in full bloom. I was lucky to see the trees in full bloom. There are some interesting points to see when visiting Kochi Castle. Outside the main gate there are some katakana characters hiding in the wall. It's fun to try to find them. Since Kochi gets a lot of rain every year, the castle has special gutters to keep the water moving. You can see the gutters and the stains on the walls from the water that came off them. There are also iron spikes and trick gates to stop attackers. I was interested in the black walls on parts of the castle. I asked if they were painted black, but they are actually burned! This is to stop pests from eating the wood. I had a great time learning about Kochi Castle.

I hope if you visit you get a guided tour too!

the other day 先日、この間
cherry tree 桜の木
bloom 咲く
in full bloom 満開である
character 文字
gutter 溝
stain 染み
spike 先の鋭くとがったもの
gate 門
burn 焦げる
pest 害虫

分かった? 確認しよう!
